I've got Some News
Whenever we hear about bad news (during a conversation), the person who brings us the sad news often uses euthanisms to sugacoat it. For example, the phrases "passed way" and "no longer around" are used when someone dies; Usually, the bearer of the news uses euthanisms to soften the blow the message may cause to the listeners.
However, there are times when a message should not be coated (with sugar, salt, vinegar, or anything else).
The following are some of the phrases and words that, I think, should be purged from use (or be used less often, at the very least). It also includes some excuses that has been abused for too long.
- unemployed: being a free agent; un-sponsorred freelance worker; unfunded researcher.
- estate tax: departure tax; tax on asset transfer.
- grade of "Fail": grades of "deferred success," "student given a chance to succeed once more in this course," "pass under a lower standard".
- being late: arriving at a time different than the time agreed upon prior to the event; unintended delay in arriving at the destination.
- speeding: wrong speedometer reading; mistimed pressing of the accelerator, mistaken the accelerator for brakes.
- increase in taxes: temporary refund adjustment (yes, I got this from the Simpsons); upward shift in levies; health premium (don't use this term in Ontario, people will tear you apart).
- rejection (by a school or company): "it is with regret that...", "I regret to inform you that...".
- rejection (by a boy/girlfriend): "I think you are a good guy/girl/man/woman, but...", "we should meet other people"