Keeping the Cool
From where I am right now, it is 30 degrees outside (much higher if you consider the humidity). At this time of the year, we all are looking for ways to cool off (in the northern hemisphere, anyway). This is also a time when our minds go numb and our bodies feel lazy.
Many of us spend a lot of time in the summer trying to find ways to cool down, The following is a few ways you can escape from the heat.
- Keep the fridge door open all day long
Pro: If the fridge motor does not overload, you will stay cool all day long (provided that you don't go anywhere else).
Con: Doing this will (most likely) fry the motor, forcing you to go without a place to keep your food from spoiling (compounded by the fact that while the motor is being fixed, the only way for you to get ice cream or cold drinks is to go outside); forced to stay in one place.
- Set the Air Conditioner to 15 degrees
Pro: Less need to worry about fried motor; you can move around the house.
Con: Have to stay inside your home; the electric bill WILL floor you (or whoever pays for hydro).
- Go to a library/bookstore and stay there until it closes
Pro: You don't have to pay for electricity; you may find something interesting to read about.
Con: Library/bookstore staff may not allow you to enter if this is done too often; may acquire some unwanted knowledge.
- Go swimming
Pro: Good exercise; opportunity to meet new people; get to strut around in your favourite
Con: The water will get warm eventually (for home pools); have to drive/walk in the heat to get to the pool/beach (for public pools/beaches); water may leave a bad taste in your mouth; people may question your choice of swimwear
- Sit on a block of ice
Pro: Costs little; no need to worry about overloading electric grid
Con: Finding a block large enough to sit on may be difficult; heavy lifting/pushing required; sits on a puddle after the block melts; neighbours may complain when their lawns become flooded.
- Freeze Yourself using Cryogenics
Pro: WILL keep you cold for long period of time, have a place all by yourself
Con: No one knows when will you be thawed; no idea of what's being done to your body while frozen; VERY expensive
- Fly a hovercraft at 3000 metres
Pro: You have the place all by yourself (except maybe a few airplanes); no one around to bother you; very relaxing atmosphere
Con: VERY costly; needs to bring plenty of O2; may be shot down if you enter Washington DC area by accident.
- Hide in a cave
Pro: Costs little; get to enjoy the outdoors without enduring the heat; learn self-sustenance
Con: Wild beasts may also be in the cave, finding a cave large enough to hide in may be difficult; learn self-sustenance too well
Of course, there are other ways to keep the cool.