A Confused Thinker
A Confused Thinker
- Why do the waiter/waitress always ask "how is everything?" when you have food in your mouth?
- Why do people have to pay for a $3 meal with a debit card?
- What happens if I'm not lovin' it at McDonalds?
- Why aren't deductibles deductible?
- Why is blue cheese not blue?
- If my call is so important, then why do the companies keep me waiting all day long?
- If someone says "time will tell", how do we know when time gives out its answer?
- Why doesn't anyone try to give an athlete medicine when that athlete is hot or cold?
- What kind of costune would Jack Oliver Lantern wear on Halloween?
- Why is a town square usually not a square?
- What do we call the section of an Underground system that is above ground?
- Has anyone noticed that statistic rhymes with sadistic?
- How to say no to a Yes Man?
- If a product says "Improved Formula" on its package, does that mean the old formula was ineffective?
- Can anyone actually give more than 100% of what one has?
- How much of the chicken served at KFC actually came from Kentucky?
- Where do the banks hide their profits?
- When has poker became a spectator sport?
- Why are the "prince" cards in the playing cards called Jacks?
- How come trains and planes never depart early?
- Where is the key to unlock a computer keyboard that is locked up?
- If a computer screen freezes up, can we put it in the sink and let it thaw?
- What do you call a fly that can't fly?
- Are there any turkeys in Turkey?
- Why do the reality TV shows don't reflect anything from reality?
- How many people living in Chad are called Chad?
- Would someone become a master of a subject the instant one gets the Master's degree?
- How can people feel blue, but not any other colour?
- If silence is golden, then what would the colour of speech be?
- Does any accountants actually count beans while they are at work?