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Let's Learn the Rules

The hall is full. Those arriving late grab a chair from a stack, find a space to place their chairs and seat themselves. Everyone inside keep their silence, hold a handbook issued by the organizer in one hand and a pen in the other, waiting for the chair to appear.

After 10 minutes, the chair enters the hall and stands behind the lectern. All those waiting stand up, bow to the chair and greet the chair in unison.

The chair tells the others to be seated and opens the presentation. "Thank you for coming. Today I will introduce you the rules here and what happens if you fail to obey them.

"Firstly, you have to be present for at least 80% of all sessions, whether they are full session or small group sessions. You should arrive on time and avoid leaving in the middle of a session for any reason. In case the chair or the chair's representative is late, you should sit upright in your seat. If you are going to travel abroad for more than 48 hours, or 2 days, you have to inform us in writing.

>"Aside from attending regular sessions, you also have to participate in activities we organize at least 6 times a year. By the end of the year, you are required to prepare a report summarizing what have you done during the year, count the number of times you have completed my assignments, list the activities you do to promote us

"You have to dress appropriately during sessions and activities. You cannot wear any item displaying words or symbols the chair deems inappropriate. You cannot place any items on your desk except when it is your turn for presentation. Even then such items have to be relevant to your presenation. If you place items when you are not presenting such items will be confiscated.

"During the sessions or mandatory activities you cannot speak out of turn or talk to others without our approval. You are also forbidden to stop the chair from appearing at the session or prevent the chair from leaving. If you see the chair or other officials you have to step aside and bow to them. Disturbing order during any session or mandatory activities would also be punished. We will go over the penalties later.

"Remember that you represent us, even when you are not attending sessions or participating in our activities. So you should speak in an appropriate manner at any time. You should not speak or act in any way that we consider offensive or insulting. You are also required to perform any tasks we assign you.

"If you break any rules you will have to meet the chair in the chair's office where your behaviour will be reviewed by a committee consisting of members the chair deem "fair and impartial". If you are found to have violate any rules you may receive a warning, be suspended or issued a fine. In case of severe violations you may be expelled without appeal.

"These rules may be reviewed regularly and updated if needed. Pay attention to any updates.

"One final thing, congratulations on being selected as district councilors, whether you are elected or appointed."