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Special Treatment on Special Occassions

(Just a few months ago, the following conversation would have sounded ridiculous. Now it may have occurred in real life.)

"You have any plans for the summer?"

"I don't know. There are so many 'special occassions' that I have to be aware of now."

"Special occassions? You mean some kind of anniversary? But you don't have a partner and your next birthday won't arrive until next year. Someone in your family's birthday coming up?"

"It is a series of anniversaries, but it is not related to anyone I know, including you."

"I'm confused. Why do you have to be aware of dates which are unrelated to you?"

"Because there are things which I have to avoid doing to stay out of trouble on those days."

"I have zero idea of what you are talking about."

"Let me explain. On those days I can get into trouble if I go to certain places and certain things."

"So there are things you can't do and places you can't go on those days, but not on other days. You are confusing me further."

"You know the anniversaries of a high profile stabbing and beatdown are coming up."

"Of course, but what does that have to do with what you are saying?"

"You remember that 'special occassion' earlier this month? The one where officials didn't even dare to say the date of 'the occassion'. The police searched people wearing black, reading books relating to the occassion and holding candles and flowers. Some were even taken away."

"OK. No big deal. You should be fine if you wear clothing of another colour and don't do such things at places which can get you in trouble."

"What happens if I have a funeral to attend? Or I wish to visit the graves of my ancestors? What if I just happen to live close by the 'special places' or the funeral home/cemetery is near the 'special places'? What about major transport hubs? Do I have to avoid those too?"

"In that case, take a taxi, Uber, whatever."

"Or should I wear clothing of another colour and change after I arrive? What if there is no flower shop near my destination?"

"Sure, you can do that if you think it helps to keep police attention away from you."

"As for candles, what if I am just holding candles to celebrate my idol's birthday, which happens to fall on the same day as the 'special occassion'? I'm sure you know fans of the town's biggest idols have bought billboard ads on the idol's birthday and large crowds have gathered in the area where the ad is located, very close to the 'special area' officials talk about."

"You can celebrate your idol's birthday somewhere else."

"Since when do we need officials' permission to celebrate an idol's birthday, or anybody's birthday for that matter?"

"OK. I think I am starting to get it. But what you just said seems quite far-fetched."

"I know, but that doesn't mean that won't happen in the future. And we know there will be more of these 'special occassion' in the future."

"But all the situations you told me about are hypothetical."

"What if they don't?"

"You mean the police searched you while you wore black, held a candle, flowers or something related to a 'special occassion'. On your idol's birthday?"

"They searched my bag and my phone, somewhere far away from the place most people associate with the 'special occassion', a place with no relation to the occassion. I guess I should be grateful that they didn't order me to remove my shirt on the spot to check if I have any sedicious tattoos or piercings."