​​​​​ You want me in; you want me out offside flag

You want me in; you want me out

One day the chair of a club's membership committee runs into a former member of the club.

"Why don't I see you at the club anymore?" asks the committee chair.

The former member looks at the committee chair in the eye before saying "You kicked me and my friends out of the club for violating the membership pledge, which you added to the membership rules without our input. Remember?"

"Membership is up for renewal and we now accept applications. Have you thought about re-joining?

"The club is the most prestigious club in the city and everyone wishes to join the club."

"I might have gave it a thought if you didn't change the membership rules after I was kicked out. Now? Not a chance!"

"Why? I changed to rules to ensure only those who protect the club's interest can join."

"And who decides what are the club's interest? You? The membership committee? All members?"

"Of course I had to do that. If your kind were in charge, the club would lose its status overnight."

"Yet you want us back?"

"Absolutely. That would show the club is inclusive and accepts everyone with open arms, even those who leaves for whatever reason and those who opposes the club's leadership."

"I see, but aren't you the one who reviews all applications before recommending them to the committee. And everyone in the membership committee is now appointed by you."

"Sure, but that doesn't mean we would automatically keep you out. You will be allowed back in if we find you genuinely believe in the club's mission and stay loyal to the club's leadership.

"And if we find your thoughts and actions bring disrepute to the club at any time, we can kick you out immediately and we don't have to tell you the reason. You can appeal, but the appeal it would be reviewed by the membership committee."

"Why should I join when you can kick us out anytime for any reason, without me knowing why? How can I tell if you are doing it for fun or to torment us?"

"No! Not at all! We truly want you back, as long as you follow the rules."

"And you can change the rules anytime you like without our input. Forget it!"

The chair begins to get agitated. "If you don't join, you will lose lots of exposure and you will have the opportunity to improve the way the club is run."

"Yeah, sure. As if you would actually allow us to change the way to club is run.

"Have you forgotten that it was us who make up the majority of the most recent membership committee. When we tried to make you more accountable and open on how the club is run, you showed up late, if at all, used stall tactics and walked out without reason. And you blame us for disrupting the committee meetings.

"Then you overstepped your power to postpone the membership renewal window. You used this period to unilaterally change the membership rules and forced every member to pledge loyalty to you instead of the club. What's more? You ordered us to pay the non-member rate for all services we received at the club since we last renewed the membership."

"Of course I can do that. I am the chair, remember! If you do apply you can still use the facilities, but you will have no say on how the club is run. That's why I made the changes to the membership rules — to keep you in check.

"And I will tell everyone you are trying to make the club irrelevant if you don't join."

"So it doesn't matter if I join the club or not. Either way you will accuse me and my friends of destroying the club." The former member turns around and walks away. "Good luck with running the 'new and improved' club. I am sure the club would be much better without me or my kind around."