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Running a Quiz

The following is a (totally) unscientific quiz to see what kind of a runner you are.

  1. How should places for a race be handed out?
    1. Free-for-all, first come first serve
    2. First come first serve, but runner with better times have priority
    3. Strictly based on finishing times
    4. Random draw
  2. The registration fee for your favourite hometown race has gone up 20%. What would you do?
    1. Keep entering the race, year after year
    2. Join the next race. If it is run the same way as before, look for something else to enter
    3. Go and see if there is an changes before entering
    4. Boycott the race. Never to return
  3. What should an ideal course for a race held in a city/urban setting consists of?
    1. Roads inaccessible by others (such as tunnels)
    2. Lots of Highways/Expressways
    3. A mixture of different types of roads
    4. Major city streets
  4. What would you say when you learn that your race begins before sunrise?
    1. "Great! There would be less distraction."
    2. "Wouldn't we wake the others?"
    3. "Wouldn't the course be a little quiet?"
    4. "That means there would be few people cheering."
  5. If you have a say on the race's shirt sponsor, what would you tell the organizers?
    1. "I will wear what you hand out, no matter what."
    2. "I don't care. I won't wear it after the race anyways."
    3. "If it ain't broke, don't change it."
    4. "We should have the same sponsors as the top races."
  6. Which of the following best describes your attitude towards runners wearing costumes?
    1. "You don't belong here. This race is for serious runners."
    2. "What they wear is none of my business."
    3. "I don't dress up myself, but I like their creativity."
    4. "I am one of you."
  7. What would you do if you see someone (other than volunteers associated with the event) offering snacks to runners?
    1. Report any runner who receive them to race officials.
    2. Tell other runners that the snack is not safe to eat.
    3. Ignore them and keep running.
    4. Accept the snacks you like and smile at them.
  8. What would you say if another runner criticizes the race you regularly enter?
    1. "How dare you criticize them (the organizers)? Without them this race wouldn't exist."
    2. "They are doing the best they can do."
    3. "What can you do? Complain? They will never change."
    4. "You are right. Let's make suggestions to the organizers on how to improve the race."
  9. Often an expo is held next to the venue where runners pick up their bibs. What is your ideal expo like?
    1. For runners only. Nothing else, period.
    2. It should focus on running. Having something else would not be too bad, though.
    3. I don't know about outsiders, but it should be something I can spend some time in.
    4. It should be a place where anyone can have a fun day.
  10. What would your reaction be if you find out supplies (e.g. water, sports drink) at (official) water/food stations are running low?
    1. "Tough. Good thing I have brought my own supplies."
    2. "If I can't beat them in the race, at least I can beat them to get what I need."
    3. "That's not fair to the late starters."
    4. "They aren't organizing a race for the first time. Are they?"
  11. It is raining, and you see the volunteers are soaking wet and checked bags are lying on the wet ground. How do you feel?
    1. "Tough. The volunteers should have brought their own rain gear and the runners should have brought waterproof bags."
    2. "The volunteers deserve better and the bags don't belong on the ground."
    3. "The organizers better have a good explanation."
    4. "The organizers should have spent some money to rent extra tents/tarps."
  12. What should the finishing area of a race be like?
    1. Full of marshals to get people out of there quickly, and no outsiders
    2. Big enough so runners have enough room to cool down and stretch
    3. Large enough for non-runners to watch the finish and greet them afterwards
    4. Large enough to host a post-race fair for runners and non-runners alike

For each question, you get 1 point if you answer (a); 2 points if you answer (b); 3 points if you answer (c); and 4 points if you answer (d).

Based on your score, you
12 - 19 points: Simply want to take part in races. Everything else, such as how well the race is organized, matters little.
20 - 26 points: Have some expectations on how the race's organization, but you can be easily satisfied.
27 - 33 points: Focus mainly on running the race, but have some demands on how the race is organized.
34 - 40 points: Have certain expectations on how a race is organized, and like to have some involvement by non-runners.
41 - 48 points: Have high expectations on how the race should be organized and want everyone, runner and non-runner alike, to have fun.