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Entering by My Own Method

Recently a bookseller has travelled to a country "by his own method", without any travel documents. Rumours abound on how the bookseller entered the country. According to sources close to the country's government, which places the country's security and stablity above all else, it is proposing wide-sweeping measures to prevent anyone from entering (or leaving) the country without the government's knowledge.

The most prevalent rumour is that the bookseller entered abroad a speedboat. In response the government is planning to place buoys along the coast, each equipped with radar equipment to monitor anything that traverses in and out of the country's waters. According to sources close to the government, the original plan was to unleash a battalion of fish (and other marine life) to monitor the coast. The plan was scrapped after tests revealed that the patrol fishes formed clusters, unable to cover the entire coast, and all the patrol fishes detected was each other.

Some have claimed that the bookseller was captured by unnamed agents and crossed the border via special channels which don't require screenings. To close the loophole, everyone entering (and leaving) the country will be subject to security checks. All items accompanying a traveller will be searched. No one is exempt, even diplomats.

While the bookseller was not known for his skills in high jumping, the government has planned to increase triple the heights of fences and walls along its borders. To prevent anyone from entering (or leaving) the country underground, a subterranean barrier will be constructed, along which sensors will be installed.

The government believes the above measures are sufficient in preventing anyone from entering by land or by sea while avoiding detection by government officials. To prevent audacious people from illegally entering the country by air, skydiving and parachuting will be banned. Import and export of jet backs is also banned. The government is also is persuading surrounding countries not to hold circuses or build catapults within a specific distance from the country's borders.

While the government have denied performing research on teleportation, hyperspace jumps and transporters, it is considering constructing force fields around the country's perimeters to prevent anyone from entering by one's own method, without documentation, using state-of-the-art methods. There are also rumours that the government is considering closing its borders from anyone arriving from another time.

The government's mountpiece has claimed that the bookseller might have been brought into the country by "powerful departments". In response, sources close to the government stated that the government will publicly deny the existance of such departments.

The source was adamant that the above information is legitimate. However, he also stated that the information was based on a message he received from a friend in the government. The message ended with the statement "Is the news right? we should wait and see."