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Stuffings in a Ballot Box

An election will be held later in the year, and the voters' registry is once more being scrutinized. Investigations by various media outlets had revealed the following irregularities: voters' address being changed without knowledge of the electors themselves, large number of voters being registered to small apartments, retirement homes used as permanent address for people other than their residents, hotel rooms and offices being used as the permanent address of voters. Since the first cases of vote stuffing surfaced four years ago, officials still have not figured out an effective way of closing the loopholes. (Let's assume, for now, that the officials are not allowing these to happen on purpose.)

While a few people have been charged and convicted of electoral fraud (from forging addresses, falsifying information), the fact that vote stuffing activities are still being uncovered by media shows that the people behind such acts still think the reward (taking more seats, control of district councils and thus government funding) still outweighs the risks (criminal charges, fines, jail time). With the risk of being convicted being so low, it should not be too difficult for someone to rationalize one's action even if one is caught vote stuffing. This made one wonder what would one say to defend oneself should one is accused of such crimes.

(Warning: The following is complete satire and one should not even consider using the following statements to defend one's action in a court of law.)

To anyone wishing to use any of the above the defend one's action after being charged of vote stuffing, the only thing I can say is "good luck.".