offside flag

6 * 4 = 25

(In case you are wondering, I wrote the above mathematical formula in a wrong way on purpose.)

June 4 marks the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre. To this day, the Chinese government has not admitted any wrongdoing. As usual, the Chinese government is close watch of victims' relatives, rights lawyers, and activists while most pro-Beijing politicians in town respond the questions relating to the event with silence. This year, however, someone in town are proclaiming what we know about the event is wrong.

A number of fervent patriots have founded a group named "6 4 Truth" last month. Some of the views and alleged facts they, along with a few of their allies, stated publicly are listed below. The claimants stated that they are doing this to debunk the lies perpetuated by hostile media and individuals. These claims, old and new, probably won't sway those of us who have witness the event (and not suffered selective amnesia). The younger generation, born after the incident, is the zealots' real targets — to make them doubt the authenticity of June 4 Massacre. It isn't that difficult to see the zealots' version of story is on loose footing.

A pro-government legislator once claimed that he can't form an opinion on the June 4 incident as he doesn't know all facts. He is correct — the missing piece is official records such as hospital records, death certificates, etc. The fact that the Chinese government keeps the records under wraps to this day and uses every means possible to keep witnesses under watch means the "lies" perpetuated by "the hostile forces" are probably true. If "6 4 Truth" really wants to uncover the truth, they should lobby the Chinese government to release documents relating to the event. (Too bad it is something they don't dare to do.)