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Ballot Boxful of Excuses

The current legislative council by-election campaign, resulting from resignation of a legislator from each electoral district, has seemed to turn many public figures, who usually don't shy from giving opinions, into tight-lipped people. In particular, many prominent people in the "patriotic" camp became very tentative when asked whether they will vote in this by-election, deemed a de-facto referendum.

In the past few days things became clear as many local leaders decide not to vote, by staying home or leaving town. There are many reasons for people not voting, most of which I consider excuses. However, many reasons, seemingly unique to this campaign, have been uttered by people not wanting to vote, famous or not.

In the following a number of reasons people use to defend their decisions not to vote (that I have never heard of in previous elections). Following each explanation is my attempt to counter it.

All these excuses make me long for times when people choose not to vote due to their satisfaction with the way things are at the moment and the lack of suitable candidates. Good thing I won't hear such statements at the polling station.