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Driver's Ed Takes a Wrong Turn

In most, if not all, countries, one has to show one's knowledge of the local rules of the road before one can legally drive on the street. Unlike most other tests, the passing grade is usually set to a high level (in some places, a grade lower than 90% results is a failure).

In most cases, the questions in these tests vary little from one juristition to another. Sometimes an unconventional question may be used for catching the test taker off-guard. The situation described in the question may be a scenario that a driver would face.

Some questions in the following "test" are taken from actual study guides, while some others are situations that I or someone I know have encountered. The rest are made-up. Try this short test and see how you fare.

(Warning: This test is a joke and NEVER attempt any of the moves desribed below. Some of the questions may be confusing and has no correct answer.)

True or False

  1. If a motor vehicle is passing through an intersection without a traffic light or traffic sign, should it give right of way to vehicles that have a green light?
  2. A driver had offered a vehicle moving into its lane to pass and the person driving this vehicle does not acknowledge the gesture. Should the horn be blared at this driver?
  3. After a driver is caught speeding, a traffic officer asks the driver to pull aside. Once the vehicle is stopped, the traffic cop writes a ticket stating the speed of the vehicle at the time of the incident and the payable fine. The fine should be paid at that place and time.
  4. On a street with no stated minimum speed, a driver can drive as slowly as one wishes.
  5. At an intersection where the traffic signal is out of order, vehicles should enter and exit in the "first in, first out" basis.

Multiple Choice

  1. When a cyclist or pedestrian tries to grasp a moving vehicle, the driver should a) accelerate to get away from him; b) stop quickly; c) stop smoothly; d) open the window and try to fend off the cyclist/pedestrian?
  2. You are driving along a winding road and a vehicle directly ahead of you is a slow-moving heavy vehicle. You should a) keep following the vehicle until it moves aside; b) pass the vehicle at the first opportunity, regardless of how far you are able to see; c) sound the horn as a way to get the driver of the heavy vehicle to go faster.
  3. If an arguement breaks out between the driver and a passenger in the same car. Should the driver a) pull over and continue to argue inside the car; b) pull over, get off the car and resume arguing; c) keep driving and arguing inside the car.
  4. After quarrelling with others, a driver a) can drive the vehicle only after calming down; b) should fight the person with whom there is a disagreement and let the situation affect his driving; c) drive with rage.
  5. If your petrol tank catches fire, do you a) douse it with water; b) use a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher; c) cover the flames with cotton-padded clothes?
  6. You drive into a one-way street and realize that you are going in the wrong direction. You should a) make a U-turn at the next intersection; b) make a U-turn at the present location; c) reverse your vehicle.
  7. You are asked to pull over while you are eating and driving. You should a) swallow and put down what you are eating; b) ask the officer if (s)he is hungry; c) talk to the officer with your mouth full.
  8. At a intersection, someone offers to clean your windshield. You should a) yell at him/her; b) wave him/her to go away; c) pay him/her for (s)he to go away; d) throw an object at him/her.
  9. If you are involved in a car accident and you are uninjured, the first thing you should do after getting off the vehicle is a) to yell at the driver of the other vehicles involved; b) to survey the damage of your vehicle; c) to exchange phone numbers; d) to call your insurance agent.
  10. At a toll booth, you should a) make a payment with a neutral expression; b) throw the payment at the booth attendent; c) express your displeasure in your face when the payment is made.


True or False

1) No answer; 2) False; 3) False; 4) False; 5) True

Multiple Choice

1) c; 2) a; 3) No answer; 4) a; 5) b; 6) c; 7) a; 8) b; 9) b; 10) a.