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Something Hits Your Head? We got you Covered

When you walk on the street, are you frightful of objects falling from above? Do you have nightmares of being hit by falling panes of glass? Do you constantly fear the ceiling collapsing and injuring and burying you? If the answer is "yes", then your solution has arrived.

Due to the recent high-profile cases of objects being thrown out of windows, ranging from pillows to batteries to steel pipes, onto the street, the terrace is now a much more dangerous place. One cannot be sure if one may be the next victim of these actrocities. To help give people walking on the street peace of mind, we are introducing an insurance plan that protects people in case of the event you are hit by falling objects. While our insurance plan cannot prevent such incidents from happening, it will protect you in case something hits your head.

For just the cost of a piece of bread or two (higher if objects frequently falls from the buidling you live in), you will be protected from random objects that may come flying down.

There are multiple levels of coverage to suit your needs. The Soft Cap coverage will compensate you should someone living in your building throws something at you, whether it is by accident or with intent. If you choose our Hard Hat plan, you will receive payments if you are hit while you are not under a roof. If you select our Steel Helmet plan, you will receive payments if you are hit on the head by a falling object, anywhere on Earth.

If you have the misfortune of being hit by a falling object while you are insured, all you need to do to receive compensation is to show proof of injury and that the object is in fact thrown by another individual. The amount will be determined by the object that hit you and the severity of your injury. If the injury is severe enough that hospitalization is required, the insurance will cover all basic treatment required, with better treatment options available for clients who signed up for higher level plans. (Note: Compensation will not be given if you are hit by a stray ball that is used in a ball game happening within a pre-defined vicinity of you.)

In case of death from injury sustained due to falling objects, the family of the insured will receive compensation and the cost of funeral will be partially covered.

If you sign up now, you will also receive a hard hat as a token of appreciation, while supply lasts. Wear it when you go out and it will protect you from falling objects (to a certain extent).

You never know if and when you will be hit by an object falling from the sky. So get peace of mind and contact us today. You will be glad you did when something hits you. These down-to-earth offer won't last long, so enrol today.

(Warning: This plan only covers damages caused by objects thrown by humans. The coverage does not include falling objects due to natural causes. This include, but not limited to, apples falling from trees, bird excrements, hail, and overloaded beehives. The company will not provide compensation for emotional damage incurred in the event of a falling object hits the ground in the vicinity of the insured, but not the insured him/herself. The insured also forfeits the right of compensation if he/she does not adhere to the guidelines outlined in the contract fully.)