offside flag

Ab Space for Sale

On television, we see people run onto the playing area during a sporting event wearing only his birthday suit (since all the streakers we see on TV are men) from time to time. We also see people climbing up buildings on the outside more often these days. In many sporting events, one can find people painting letters on their abs or heads.

Many of these people now have ads imprinted on their bodies/suits. Most often the company placing the ads is an online casino (which I won't name). But why let that company monopolize this market? The following is some of the companies that (I think) can take advantage of this opportunity to promote their products and services.

Of course, I don't work in the advertisement industry. However, I am suprised that no advertisement agency (that I know of) have tried to use this new medium (other than that gaming web site). (I am certain that there are some companies that have tried to utilize these ad spaces. It's just that I have not heard of them.)