offside flag


Dead or Alive

A leader who means what he/she says; doesn't determine the policies he/she believes in by reading the latest polls; doesn't support one position one minute (or day/month/year) and then support the opposite the next. Someone who doesn't think the government vault is a bottomless pit or use the phrase "your money is ours and we will spend it anyway we(I) want". Someone who can speak with passion. A leader who is able to garner support without resorting to say "I'm not my opponent" and can make an argument without belittling those who has a different viewpoint or calling people with opposing views names. Someone who keeps the promises one makes.

The reward likely won't be a monetary reward (if one joins politics for the money, then he/she does not fit the description of the wanted person). Rather, it is the satisfaction of getting people interested in politics and to participate in it once more. (However, even that is not guaranteed.)

If such an entity is found, there may be a job for him/her. Please contact your nearest politcal party headquarters. If no party welcomes him/her, gather some like-minded people to create a new party.

Be warned, though. Such a person is very elusive and will be difficult to find. If such a person is found, approach with caution. He/she will be very reluctant to come out of hiding. Persuation might be required.