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A Storm in a Ballot Box

Warning: Rant Alert!

February, the time to feel blue, to fry your brain on how to spend your RRSP allocation, to start worrying about taxes, and the time when you mouth freezes up whenever you breath through your mouth.

This is also the time when there is one thing most, if not all, university students think about more than anything else. The thing in their minds is the election of student associations. What do you think the answer was? How to spend their time during "reading week"?

One sure sign that you have been an university student for too long — you have witnessed six student association general elections as a student. After following so many elections, I found a few things in common. They are:

I know it is easy to be an armchair quarterback, and many students (myself included) are guilty for not doing their part to make the student (and other levels of) government work. I guess I can't be too negative on the poll workers, either, since they are volunteering their time to work on a (mostly) thankless job. I don't know if these problems can be fixed, since an university government is such a transient body. If someone wants to make changes, they may not be around to see the changes being implemented.

I guess democracy is like a muscle — we have to exercise it regularly to keep it strong.