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Hold the Phone

Has the following happened to you: you are about to leave the house/cooking/in the middle of a meal etc. and the phone rings. You pick up the phone and there is someone trying to convince you to change phone/internet company, to sign up for a credit card, to take a survey? It probably has happened to each of us way too many times. There are people who are petitioning to create a no-call list, but don't hold the phone on that.

Since telemarketers will not disappear anytime soon, we would have to continue to deal with them. So the next time a telemarketer calls you, instead of just hanging up, try using the following lines:

(Warning: The following are for entertainment purposes only and I don't recommend anyone using any of the following in their answering machines. Also, don't use them on calls from your friends, relatives, or coworkers. Otherwise they might fire back in kind. Also remember that it is a person on the other end of the line.)

I haven't think of a good way to deal with those annoying spam (email, not the luncheon meat. On second thought, maybe both). So until someone comes up with a way to clear all spam, the best way to deal with spam is to throw them out. (Of course, you could try to jam the spam senders' mailbox, but then you would become a spammer yourself.)