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A Battle to prevent War?

(Note: Originally, this was an article, which challenges the two main players of the Iraqi conflict to pick a fight with each other, intended for mathNEWS. I guess the editors deemed it to be too controversal and thought that it would draw a lot of unwanted attention to mathNEWS and myself, particularly after I was almost sued by Ripley's. At least that was what I concluded after rereading the original. So it was changed to its present form.)

The soldiers are ready, the guns are warmed up, and the alarm sirens are blaring. It seems the war in Iraq will break out at any time and there is nothing to prevent it from commencing.

A few days ago, an Iraqi official suggested to have the Presidents of the U.S. and Iraq to go toe-to-toe with each other. Not suprisingly, the Americans refused the offer.

When news of that challenge reached the World Logical Battle Federation, a couple of our members thought that it was an interesting idea and informed others that they were interested in a simulation of a fight between George Bush and Saddam Hussein.

The two fighters who would enter the ring have Giant Battler and Smashing Hulk as aliases. The two have not decided who will be imitating who yet. However, two fighters of the same aliases have fought each other before twelve years ago. That time the Smashing Hulk was fighting against a team of fighters led by the Giant Battler. The Smashing Hulk tried to take on the Giant Battler and his teammates simutaneously and the Hulk was badly beaten, to no one's surprise.

The events crew of WLBF attempted to have the fight staged in the midway point between Washington, DC and Baghdad. However, logistical reasons forced the WLBF to hold the event in a gymnasium with sand-coloured floors.

The two combatants will not be allowed to bring any kind of weapon into the battle grounds. Combat will be purely of the unarmed type. If either combatant violates this rule, he will be punished harshly.

The Giant Battler has asked several WLBF fighters to join the fray. While a few members of WLBF who were approached have agreed to join the fray, many others told him that they were not eager to participate in this battle and would rather watch from the sidelines. There have even been some verbal spats between them.

While the Giant Battler is in good form, having won all his recent matches, there are rumours that the Smashing Hulk is not as strong as he used to be. These rumours arose due to the fact that the Smashing Hulk had made only a handful of appearances recently. However, he might have been secretly training to rebuild his reputation. All of us will know what has he been doing lately when he shows up for the battle.

Unlike the conflict that may begin tommorrow, we don't know which combatant will emerge as the victor of this battle.

(Note: For anyone reading this, remember that this is just a spoof and don't take this seriously.)