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Screamer's Nelieve It or Bot

Seeing Mix-Up

A Brazilian woman was driving in a suburb of Rio de Janeiro when she was caught by a traffic warden for not wearing a helmet. She did not accept the charges with good reason: she was driving a car! She made complaints to the traffic department and the authorities rescinded the charges. If eye exams were not part of the city's traffic cops physical exam before, maybe they should include it now.

Burning Love Lost

A Swedish man recently endured a divorce and as a result, had to give half of what he owned to his former spouse. He became distraught and found a way to avoid giving away what he owned: He sold all his belongings for cash, then piled the money up and burned it. No word on whether the man's ex-wife gets half of the ashes.

Jason "the Screamer" Lau
Has this column gone on for too long?