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Dear mathNEWS production system:

We have been dating for more than two years now and I thought we have a good relationship between us. I send you articles every time we meet, and you make those articles the talk of the MC a few days after. I understood this before we ever met and by giving you articles, you may transfer them to paper and web pages. In return, you provide me the satisfaction of expressing myself and sharing my sense of humour with many others.

However, there is something that has disturbed me since the first Valentine's Day after we met — you have ignored me on every Valentine's Day. I sent you articles and letters, but all you did was set them aside and ignore them. I am not one who has high expectations. All I need from you for Valentine's is your acknowledgement that you have passed my articles onto others. It is as simple as anything can be but you did not even bother to return my messages. Can you just set aside some time, even if it's only a few moments, to spend with me on Valentine's Day? Is a little attention towards me too much to ask for?

I hope I will hear from you this Valentine's Day. Otherwise, I may have no choice but to sever our relationship and to start a relationship with the production system of another publication.

Hope to hear from you soon, I want this relationship to continue as much as you do.

A disgruntled mathNEWS writer