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The Edgie Issues

Last week the United Nations unanimously passed a resolution on Iraq. By the time you read this Iraq has probably accepted or rejected the resolution. Many views on this issue have been made over the past decade by people ranging from academics to paper columnists to politicians to, most importantly, the man at the street corner. Everyone has an opinion on this and it is not enough for them to say it. Nooo ... they have to let everyone else know about their views. They put their views on practically every media, from newspapers to the TV to the internet. How do we have the time to read them all?

When will this madness end? Has anybody ever stopped to think about the trees that got cut down so that people could make a point about Iraq? Does anyone consider the amount of electricity and ink needed to print one's opinion in a national paper? The amount of electric juice wasted when people read somebody else's or write their own view of Iraq is sky high, from the heavy usage of the computer, the television, the radio, and the 1000-Watt light bulbs in your room. Does anyone ever think that hackers are creeping closer to one's modem when one reads an article on Iraq? Does anyone notice that I am going balder and edgier by the hour?

So I encourage people to ignore the topic for one day. Don't write about it, don't read about it, and pleeeease, don't talk about it. The trees will thank you, your ink cartilage will be grateful, and your electric bill won't trigger a nation-wide gasp. Do it to soothe my edgy nerves.

I know this doesn't make much sense but, hey, I still get paid at the end of the day. Is life great or what?

For the Edgie Issues, I'm Lex Edgie.