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What's going on on this Side

Ahh...finally I'm back in Waterloo. I could have sworn that I'd never associate myself with mathNEWS again, after what the staff did to me this summer. Then again, mathNEWS gives me an outlet to unwind from my work. After being gone for a while, the mailboxes have exploded, at home, at work, and in my comupter. I did expect that. but I didn't believe how much things have changed since I left Waterloo, six months ago.

I know Leafs fans are a very demanding bunch, but to jeer at your goalie in a game that means squat because he played badly? It's like throwing things at the stage during the first rehersal of a play. Lighten up.

Apparently monkeys have become a media darling once more. Many people have found the courage to get the proverbial monkey off their backs (or conquered their biggest obstacles). A baseball team has used a monkey as a rally cry. Even the venerable mathNEWS staff is hooked to monkeys running around in balls (after playing a game called Super Monkey Ball), so much so that a new equation is derived.

Sequels, prequels, mequels are everywhere. Seems like Hollywood has finally run out of good movie names and ideas. Then again, some of their original entries over the years are less than stellar.

Even at UW, so many things have happened since I left. The university's plan to implement a programming langauge, a langauge that's more suited to a choir than computer engineers, in the classroom was one of the biggest stories in the summer. After Imprint distanced itself from a club that sells its ideals on the back pages, another cult has inserted itself into the pages of Imprint. Can this paper go one week without a cult invasion?

After six months off, I have a ton of work to catch up. If you want to see me, though, the door to my office, MC 7056, is always open to anyone and everyone.

Mark McDermot