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Mystery at Porter and Davis

In recent weeks, there was a disturbing development around the UW campus. The power to the Dana Porter library was intermittently cut off and the fire alarm in the DC went off twice (maybe more) on the same day. It seems like someone is trying to prevent students from studying.

The Kampus Kops did a thorough investigation and interviewed numerous people who were on the scene. However, their investigation did not yield results and the witnesses often offered contradictory accounts.

Unable to find any leads in the case, the University realized that it needed some outside help. So it decided to employ the services of S. C. Reamer Detective Agency to solve the mystery.

The detectives went to work immediately, but their methods were somewhat unconventional. Instead of interrogating people who were in the library at the time of the crime, they interviewed the people working in the offices. They also talked with the custodians and viewed the security tapes (which don't officially exist). The team even went to the 4th floor of the DC building, but all their work led to dead ends.

The investigation team decided to take a radical approach. They crawled through the tunnels and air ducts in the buildings and checked the electric wires for signs of tampering. There they discovered clues that could lead them to the culprit of the crime.

In an air duct in the DC, a detective found a rather unusual liquor bottle. After some conversation with people in the student villages, the team came to the conclusion that the culprit was a group of four students who were either wild partiers or dangerous trouble makers, depending on who they were talking to.

However, this is not the end of it. The foursome are currently off campus, so there is nothing the team can do until the Fall. Also, some members of the investigation team are now wondering if some grad students were involved in the incident. The team suspect that they may be doing something to prevent others from joining them or stealing their offices and perks. Who is the real culprit? It will be revealed in due time.

Note: This story is fiction, but the power outage at the Dana Porter library did occur and the fire alarm in DC did go off twice. Just when you think you have seen everything, something surprising happens.

Jason "Screaming Not-so-good Stories" Lau