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Fun with Numbers

(Yeah Right!)

One day, I was bored and decided to wander around the building. My trip led me to the 5th floor (I could have gone to the 6th floor, but who would do that?) For no apparent reason, I look up at the room numbers of the offices there. I walked by most of them, but one of them drew me to take a look because of what was printed on it. Instead of the room number, it says "DIE" (of course, we all have thoughts that professors are not living beings). I took a closer look and realized that the sign is only the office's room number written in a base other than 10. I'm not going to tell you what it is based on — I don't want to ruin the fun.

Like many of you, sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the numbers profs throw at us. But remember, a love of numbers is probably why we were drawn to like math in the first place (back when we were young'uns). So I decided to have a little fun with some of the rooms in the MC and write their room numbers in different bases to see if anything interesting came up.

The following are the best I could find:

The above is a VERY crude sample of how room numbers in the MC can be expressed creatively. Granted, I'm not a very creative person, and I am sure that many of you can come up with better ones than I do. If you know of a room in MC whose number can be written creatively, send it in. Who knows? Maybe we'll publish it. I know, this may not be a very entertaining idea for an article, but reading this in class is still more fun than writing down notes.

Jason "the Screamer" Lau
Am I boring or what?