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Random Numbers and π

Did you enjoy the pies MathSoc served on π day? Did you miss it? What is π day anyway? π Day came and went and many enjoyed the pies. Over pie, someone asked why there is no e Day. Of course, it is pretty hard to have an event on February 71st.

The guy went on to say that we should have more π Days. He said that we should have one on July 22, since π is approximately 22/7. I then suggested that another good time for π Day is at 3:55 pm on November 3rd, since 355/113 is a pretty accurate approximation of π. He said that it would be easier to memorize the 1st 10 places of π. Now what is it? 3.141592653... or something like that.

After pie, we went our separate ways. For those who say mathies are horrible at starting conversations, you need to come to MC more often. (Wait, we ARE horrible at starting dialogues). What's the point of the article? None really. It just shows that anything that happens here can get into mathNEWS.

Jason "Screaming with a mouth full of pie" Lau