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This day in mathNEWS history

10 years ago (November 2, 1991):

Multitudes of mathies are laughing at the latest profQUOTES and irrelevant articles in the mathNEWS issue that came out yesterday. [Sounds like a Saturday — TaxiEd]

20 years ago (November 2, 1981):

The dedicated staff of mathNEWS gather tonight to brainstorm ideas and write articles for the latest issue of mathNEWS. [This one's a Monday — TaxiEd]

30 years ago (November 2, 1971):

A few ambitious mathies are planning to create a publication that informs and entertains the mathie population. [Definitely a Tuesday — TaxiEd]

50 years ago (November 2, 1951):

The future site of MC is a large dirt field. In fact, UW is currently known as the University of Washington. (mathNEWS is only 28 years old, but I just feel like putting this up). [If that doesn't describe a Friday, I don't know what does — TaxiEd]

S.C. Reamer
mathNEWS part-time historian