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I'm in control of all groups

Where am I? Why are the people here staring at glowing boxes and hitting tiny piano keys? Why are these people looking at a cart travelling in a fixed path? What year is this? Who are these people who brought me here? What was inside the box that took me to this place? Well, I suppose I should leave my mark while I am here.

Before this century, people worked with ordinary number systems which were simple and easy to grasp. In recent years, however, people come up with difficult problems that no one can solve. That is, until now. I have come up with a brilliant system which will make all the mathematical problems solvable by anyone. With this kind of system, everything can be translated into an element of the system. The system is truly revloutionary — a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c for any 3 elements of the system, the system has an identity e where ae = a for any element a of the set, and there is an element b for every a so that ab = e. This is a great breakthrough. I intend to call a set with the above properties a "Group," but I'm open to suggestion from others.

That's not all. I have thought of a great system where for any 3 elements a, b, c of the set:

  1. a + b = b + a
  2. there is a 0 in the set where a + 0 = 0 + a = a for any a
  3. for any a, there is an element (-a) where a + (-a) = 0
  4. a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c
  5. there is a 1 in the set where 1a = a1 = a
  6. (ab)c = a(bc)

I haven't come up with a term for the set. I like the term "ring" to define such a set. That way, I can be the original Lord of the Rings. I can go further and define a & quot;field," but I don't think many of you are ready for it.

So what if I can't do arithmetic. Arithmetic is invented to drain children of all imagination. They are forced to do mindless addition and subtraction so that they can't think for themselves. That way, children will listen to anyone, ANYONE, who stands in front of them. Think of the consequences — people will copy down whatever the person up front writes on the wall. People doing what has been assigned to them. If we allow this to continue, we will end up with an Earth full of potatoes.

Look at the young people today. They are subjected to constant testing. The people in charge say that testing is good for evaluation, but true talents cannot be found via a single test. We cannot assume that we can determine the intelligence of everyone just by using one single test, not even if it is a magic test. Success or failure of a person should not be determined by the result of one single test.

All right. I'm only 20, but since when is age a barrier to mathematical discovery? Many mathematicians before me had made important findings before they reach 20. Young people should be allowed to think for themselves. Their enthusiasm can easily overcome their lack of experience. Giving a chance, young people can achieve as much, if not more, than their elders.

I can say more, but I WAS in prison for being a revolutionary. If I say one more thing I can get myself killed. In fact, I think someone in jail wanted to take me on one-on-one.

E. Galois