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What's new in TV Land?

And what the television networks won't tell you?

With the conclusion of the Olympics and the Survivor re-runs, the TV viewers finally get to see something new (at least that's what the TV execs think). This is the time when the big (and small) television networks introduce new series (or revive some old series' that no one remembers and market them as new ones).

As usual, most of the series that premiere this month won't be around by the time football season's over (depending on what brand you prefer, it's either November, January, or May). However, this year all the major networks decided to introduce something that's actually new, and most Mathies in UW can find many of the new series' relevant to them.

Industry insiders revealed that during the summer, while most UW students were working, many TV producers utilized the mainly empty campus to shoot the new shows on location. Here, in no particular order, are some of the shows that will make their debut this fall:

As most Mathies can testify, meeting deadlines is one of the (in many cases, THE) worst ordeals students have to endure. This series documents the pain, the agony, and the loss of sleep and life the students have to undertake in order to meet the deadlines of submitting assignments, projects, paying tuition fees while making ends meet, etc. In order to attract viewers, the first few episodes will feature students trying to meet the deadlines of the core courses (the courses which every Mathie have to take). The producers stated that viewers can expect a cliffhanging episode featuring students in CS337/370 before the end of the year.

TC(Tutorial Centre) — from the producers of ER
Almost every Mathie will visit the tutorial centre once (or more) during their university career. This series captures the drama and intensity of the going-ons of the tutorial centre. In each episode, the tutors encounter something sudden and challenging from those who seek help and the tutors have to use all their abilities to solve the problem. Of course, the series also features some interactions between the tutors, and some of the relationships between the tutors may be more than mere friendships.
(Note: due to network policy, solutions to the problems in the show will not be shown anywhere, which disappoints a lot of people.)

Yes, the shooting of X-Files has returned to Canada for one last time. Sources from the producers of the show stated that the finale of the coming season, and possibly of the series, will feature FBI agents Mulder and Scully investigating a mystery in UW, where all the X-terminals refuse to accept log-ins and delete the files of users at will. Will the agents be able to get to the root of the problem and solve the case? A fitting end to a series that bears the name that begins with the mother of all mysteries-X.

Michaelangelos's Inquest
This new show is somewhat similar to the hit series DaVinci's Inquest. It features an artist who aspires to be a detective. Each week he solves mysterious crimes by reenacting the criminal act and recreating the crime scene. He uses advanced techniques such as connecting the dots on a painting and using Plaster of Paris to create an accurate image of the suspect. Although he has many skeptics, his method always leads to the arrest of the people who committed the crime. His work involves a high amount of deduction. His success hinges on his ability to apply logic to his investigations. Necessities at work drew him to UW, where he took the Logic courses again and again and again... until he became a total master in logic and deduction and induction and (insert prefix)-duction. In the series premiere, Michaelangelo tries to catch a giant killer who is ten metres tall.

The preceding is just a few of the amazing shows that will appear on your television sets. Try to find time to see some of these new series'. It's not often that an ordinary Mathie gets on national TV.

(Disclaimer: Some of these shows may get shot down before making their debuts or are totally fictitious. The author of this review holds no responsibility for any decrease in grades or disappointed reactions from the cancellation of the shows.)

Jason "the Screamer" Lau